When a meridian is blocked or out of balance, an illness can occur.
What is it?
Acupressure is a bodywork therapy that has roots in traditional Chinese medicine. As per this treatment, there are acupressure points which lie along meridians or channels in the body. When a meridian is blocked or out of balance, an illness can occur. Magnetic therapy uses magnetic fields over the body for health benefits, usually over the same meridians.
Why do it?
Acupressure can help restore the balance of the meridians. Practitioners use their fingers, palms, elbows or feet, or special devices to apply pressure to certain points of the body. Magnetic therapy works similarly, with different effects assigned to different orientations of the magnets. These are safe alternative therapies to allopathy.
How can we help you?
Our practitioners can conduct both acupressure and magnetic therapy to help you balance out your health and live with more energy.
We can also train and certify you to become a magnetic and acupressure therapist. The course is for 7 days and the cost is ₹10,000/-. To get updates about the next workshop, please connect with us.